- Ownership and Operation
location: TÜV AUSTRIA-Platz 1, 2345 Brunn am Gebirge
Phone: +43 (0)5 0454-8000
eMail: akademie(at)tuv(dot)at
General Manager: Mag. (FH) Christian Bayer, Rob Bekkers, MSc BSc
Registered Office: Deutschstraße 10, 1230 Wien
Registered Seat: Vienna Commercial Register No.: FN 117729g Commercial Register Court: Commercial Court Vienna
VAT-No.: ATU 15668105, Data Processing Register No. (DVR): 0774 995
Bank Connection: Bank Austria
IBAN: AT27 1200 0100 2748 4491; BIC/SWIFT: BKAUATWW
line of business: The TUV AUSTRIA Academy is a competence center for those sectors concerned with safety, engineering, quality and environment
Member of the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber in Vienna, Unit Media Management
https://firmen.wko.atResponsible authority: Municipial district office 10th district