Oh. No. Wrong. Welcome to the TUV AUSTRIA Academy!
Iris Bascur Neira, head of the departement competence analysis She moderates the evening and talks about the main theme: Raise comes before a fall.
Thomas Rochowansky… …head of the department courses, explains the coherence between the Peter Principle and ‘So you think you can dance?’…
Bad dancers will be knocked out of the competiton. The Peter-Principle on the other hand says, %u201EIn a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.%u201C
But is that right? And how could we avoid this? Three manager were questioned about the statement.
Dipl. Ing. Norbert Steiner: ‘An annual talk with the employees helps resolving some problems’
DI Dr. Christina Ortner ‘The person, who works fast, ist not necessarily a competent employee.’
The audience is listening.
Mag. Jürgen Schlechter ‘We are lacking a competence analysis. We offer an analysis just at some points of the career.’
We open the buffet…
…and discuss the subject in detail.
How can i appoint my employees in the right postition?
Highly motivated? No problem for the employees of the TUV AUSTRIA academy!