Management evening 2012
- Welcome to ‘So you think you can dance?’
- Oh. No. Wrong. Welcome to the TUV AUSTRIA Academy!
- Iris Bascur Neira, head of the departement competence analysis She moderates the evening and talks about the main theme: Raise comes before a fall.
- Thomas Rochowansky… …head of the department courses, explains the coherence between the Peter Principle and ‘So you think you can dance?’…
- Bad dancers will be knocked out of the competiton. The Peter-Principle on the other hand says, %u201EIn a hierarchy every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence.%u201C
- But is that right? And how could we avoid this? Three manager were questioned about the statement.
- Dipl. Ing. Norbert Steiner: ‘An annual talk with the employees helps resolving some problems’
- DI Dr. Christina Ortner ‘The person, who works fast, ist not necessarily a competent employee.’
- The audience is listening.
- Mag. Jürgen Schlechter ‘We are lacking a competence analysis. We offer an analysis just at some points of the career.’
- Interesting!
- We open the buffet…
- …and discuss the subject in detail.
- How can i appoint my employees in the right postition?
- Highly motivated? No problem for the employees of the TUV AUSTRIA academy!