..and then these pencils played a big role. What happened?
To begin at the beginning: First seemed everything normal at the conference.
CEO Bayer talks about the recently received award…
General Manager Johann Marihart (AGRANA AG)… … talks about the industrial challenges.
Herwig Eibel (fire department Graz) talks about the behaviour in case of fire…
…and paramedic Kurt Nistler talks about his colleague…
…who just sunk down.
No worries: It’s just for show. The paramedics just wanted to demonstrate: It’s seldom during a lecture, but in case of an emergency everybody has to be prepared.
Speaking of an emergency: You don’t know, how to impart complicated knowledge? These two ladies work the problem out: Annette Hexelschneider and…
…Barbara Geyer-Hayden (Knowvis) offer useful services to visualize your knowledge.
Practice makes perfect!
In the evening, networking is a big part of the autumn party.
Even cleverness plays a big role.
After work, the chef makes our blood boil with exquisite dishes.
And Head of Department Matthias Tschirf (ministry of economy)… …praises the TUV academy for the ISO 29990 certification
The next day: A visit at the OMV training center in Vösendorf.
Markus Simonovsky gives us an overview.
The message is clear Chemistry is in! Go for a job in the chemical industry!
Experience, bottled in flagons.
The laboratory wows us.
As much as the trainees, who greet us with well-founded knowledge.
Highlight: The model of a refinery.
Two exciting days draw to an end, here and…
…there. We would be honoured if you visit us next year!